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Michel (Mick) Steffan

Trusted Adviser

Imagine a world that is free from conflict of interests, where you are the first priority, always...


A world where you can tell us really what is bothering you..., no judgments. A trusted relationship where you can share any financial issue that is stopping you from having a good sleep at night.


Now imagine that after your first visit, we helped you with a breakthrough of clarity so that the next few steps to manage those issues become obvious.


That's my promise...

Now let's say you finally want to take action:

And once and for all decide to manage these issues with the help of one or more of the best professionals in their field of expertise - How many of those do you know?


I've spent more than 3 years compiling the team for you that can help:

A team of specialists from all over Australia and beyond, as real talent has no geographical boundaries. 


Are you ready to leave those worries behind and get more certainty in your life? 

Then let's have a chat! Call us on 0466 414 321.

A Bit About Mick as Trusted Adviser

Mick joint the financial industry almost 30 years ago in 1994, after graduating with a degree in business economics, and has been based in Geraldton since 1999.  He became a financial adviser in 2001 under the Garvan Financial Planning Banner (owned by MLC) and attained his Certified Financial Planning Designation in 2006.

During this time Mick developed an ethical concern about the business model of MLC, with MLC as a licensee and also a product provider, in particular with the multi-manager approach, and decided to resign as an authorized representative in 2008 vowing to only provide advice in the future through a licensee that is not connected with a financial institution. 

After completing his Masters in Taxation in 2011 he re-started his business under a new name of Indian Ocean Financial Services with a private licensee and became one of the rare independent financial advisers in Australia prompting a name change to Independent Advisers WA. 

In 2018 Mick again developed ethical concerns with the current Financial Planning Association prompting him to cease as a member of the FPA and hand in his Certified Financial Planning (CFP) Designation. He then continued to apply to receive his own Australian Financial Services License using the restricted term by law "Impartial" as a business name showing the commitment to be 100% independent, thus financial product conflict-free. 

The Trusted Adviser journey. 

With the attainment of his own AFSL license, Mick could now focus 100% on his client's best interest and acknowledged the feedback from several clients that there was a great need for good subject matter expert advice as part of his financial advice. Being a financial adviser as well as a tax adviser he observed a lack of expertise, quality, and willingness to work together (in particular in Geraldton) as a team of professionals in the interest of the client. 
This prompted the idea to engage a tax adviser that has the big picture in mind rather than often just tax compliance.  In addition one of Mick's new clients just commenced her new mortgage business expressing similar ethical and cultural values which helped develop the idea of providing truly comprehensive advice, coordinated by one trusted adviser. 
Today Mick orchestrates a team of 9 subject matter experts, all working for the clients of Independent Advisers WA.  They all have their own specialty and are committed to providing specific deliverables developed by Mick and the SME that line up with the client's financial advice needs. 
A process is in place for each subject matter expert to provide interim strategy advice as well as a comprehensive financial strategy within an 8-week period followed by a peer review meeting to align each strategy with the pig picture. 
A truly overarching comprehensive financial strategy is the end result that is reviewed and analyzed by Mick before it is presented and implemented by the client or our subject matter expert. 

In addition, a choice of a 1 or 3-annual progress review meeting ensures that all our clients stay on track to reach their goals with an increased level of certainty. 

More information


Qualifications and associations

Former Activities

Other Activities

Hogeschool Holland, Deakin University / Financial Planning Association, Curtin University of Technology, Security Institute, Self Managed Superannuation Association. Ethical Investment Association.

Bachelor of Business, Diploma Financial Planning, Australian SMSF Specialist Adviser program, Certified Financial Planner program. Master of Mastery Program,  Master of Taxation.

Certified Independent Financial Adviser Australia,  Registered Taxation Agent.

Vice president BNI Northern Stars, President Geraldton Windsurfing Club, Professional Windsurfer, Coronation Beach Recreational Improvement Committee. Point Moore Improvement Group, Interim Treasurer Drummond Cove Progress Association, Leader Geraldton Clean Up Crew. 

Online and free weather data from Geraldton Port Weather, Point Moore, Coronation and Port Denison, Margaret River and Grace Town. 
Financial news wire researcher Dow Jones Telerate, Option and Future Trading and Settlement Bank Paribas, Abrolhos Islands Conservation Group, Founder of Nic and Mick Photography.

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