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Let us solve your significant Financial Issue today

Our Services Packages

Our ongoing services packages allow our clients to course correct when things are getting off track or when there is a significant financial opportunity.

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Many years ago...


Our business was providing once-off advice to clients that could not "afford" the investment in ongoing advice. The clients left our office happy, however, this soon was forgotten and they returned to their old habits not progressing towards their big-picture values and goals.   


To truly break the cycle, our clients need a long-term relationship, with someone that earned their trust, someone they know for years and who helps them when they need it most, to hold them accountable, and to help them make tough decisions in times of need to become more financially successful. 


Now, the secret to attaining financial success is in the speed with which you can move from where you are now to where you want to be. And really this can only be done with a team of experts that provides ongoing support, is independent, and someone that challenges your thinking, and look at it from a different non-personal point of view.  The way we can do that is through our Ideal Client Service Package.

Our Packages

Independent Advisers offers several service packages to accommodate our client's needs. 

Desert Road


Ideal Client Package

Designed for time-poor clients that own and run a successful business or businesses that generate predictable passive income combined with multiple levels of passive income streams from investments. With this package basically, everything is outsourced to our team of subject matter experts so the client can focus on what matters most for them.


Core Service Package

For those that require less involvement. This package provides only access to  Mick and his direct team but not all subject matter experts to keep the cost down. For those clients that require access to one or more of our subject matter experts, for example taxation services, we offer separate pricing options.

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